
Mens Superstar Sneakers Collection


adidas Men's Superstar

Your sneakers say a lot about you, and adidas Originals superstars let everyone know that you appreciate the classics. But these aren’t your parents’ Superstars. Of course, they’ve been cemented in popular culture since the ‘70s—by definition, timeless never goes out of style—but the shell-toed icon has been refreshed with an array of bold colors and materials that keep it perpetually relevant. Try a suede or Primeknit upper for a new spin on the original, or brighten up your look with red, blue, or green details and even paint-splattered and graphic Superstars. A neutral pair also goes a long way, able to complement the rest of your look without stealing the show. And many options are now made in part with recycled materials and synthetic leather, bringing the old-school hoops-inspired classic into the future and beyond. When you’re looking for a pair of shoes that’s as versatile as you are, shop the adidas Superstar and find your next favorite go-to sneaker.